Ecotourism Adventures on Horseback
Mongolia Horse Riding Tours with Stone Horse Expeditions & Travel
Here are our 10 points of pride that are the foundation of our success in offering unforgettable ecotourism adventures on horseback in Mongolia, and the reason for many happy clients, and returning guests!
Check out tripadvisor, to see what guests say in their own words about horse trek with Stone Horse in Gorkhi Terelj National Park and the Khan Khentii Mountains.
Long-term Experience in Wilderness Expeditions, and Trail Riding in Mongolia
As the owners of Stone Horse Expeditions & Travel, we lead our horseback tours ourselves. We have over 30 years’ experience in wilderness travel, expedition logistics, guiding eco-tourism adventures, ecological conservation, and in horse riding and caring for horses. We have explored the routes we ride now for 15 years in Mongolia. Read more…
Safety Procedures and Preparedness for Wilderness Travel
We have team members trained and certified in Wilderness First Aid, and personnel that have served as medics on major, long term expeditions in areas more remote than Mongolia’s wilderness – such as Antarctica. We have agreed protocols with rescue, evacuation and health care providers in-country, and all guests are covered to benefit from such services should they ever be required. We carry a satellite phone. Read more..
Good Food, Safe Water and Comfortable Dining on Horse Trails in Mongolia
We cook healthy, nutritious meals and have a diverse menu with as much fresh food as possible. Fresh coffee in the morning, and wine with dinner are regular features of our camp cuisine…We cater to individual needs including vegetarian, vegan, – or gluten free if requested. Needless to say, we have tables and stools to enjoy meals at the dinner and breakfast table. We provide safe and plenty of drinking water, filtered or boiled. Read more..
Saddles for Comfort and Safety of Trail Riders and Mongolian Horses
We use Western saddles, and most of our saddles now in use on our expeditions are from our own saddlery. Stone Horse Saddles are lightweight trail saddles that are comfortable and provide for a balanced seat. Years of use on our horse trek expeditions in Mongolia have proven that these lightweight saddles do not compromise strength and durability. All our guest saddles have safety features such as cages on the stirrups that prevent a rider’s foot from ever being caught up. They also have cruppers and breastplates, something that the horses surely appreciate when we go over mountain passes or during steeper stretches on the trail. Read more…
Scenic Wilderness Camping with Comfort and Hygiene
Most nights on the trail are spent in tented camps that provide some extra comforts to guarantee a nice time relaxing in the evening, for opportunity to wash up and for hygienic conditions all-round. We carry a camp shower and our camps include a hygienic hand wash station. Our “restroom” facilities and procedures are simple, clean, private and ecologically sound. I wouldn’t call it “glamping” and it’s still a wilderness adventure, but it’s camping with “comforts in the wild”. Read more..
Mongolian Horses – Friendly and Responsive Trail Riding Horses
We own our own herd of expedition horses, and we care for them all-year round. That includes extra hay and grain in winter, regular veterinary checks, de-worming, floating teeth, hoof care and more. In addition, an experienced local herder is paid to look after the herd when we are out with part of the horse team and at all times in all seasons. We know all our horses well and we are able to match horse and rider, according to ability and experience of rider. Guests can be assured that “their” horse is treated well year-round. This would not be possible if we were renting horses for the riding season in Mongolia. Our love of horses is one big reason we are running Stone Horse Expeditions.. Read more…
Top Camping Equipment and Expedition Gear – Heated Dining Tent for Cool Season
We use high quality camping equipment, including spacious tents, comfortable mats, and sleeping bags according to season. In the cooler season, we carry a large, heated wall tent for breakfast, dinner and after dinner drinks near a cozy wood stove. Retiring to your own tent in the cooler season is made easy with warm inner sleeping bags and – hot water bottles on demand.. Read more…
The Best of Both Worlds for Our Riding Guests – The International Team of Stone Horse Expeditions
Our expedition team is made up of our Mongolian team members and us, the owners/guides with long term experience in back country expeditions, wilderness medicine, conservation of the natural environment and horse riding and care. Our Mongolian team members on the trail are not only great wranglers, kitchen staff and translators – they have qualifications or are students in tourism, economics and other fields. Being citizens of a country that is rapidly changing, while coming from rural families of traditional livestock herders, their knowledge and skills are very broad, from traditional to very modern! We leave it to them to share first hand with you the culture and heritage of their country. Read more…
Horse Riding off-the beaten Track in Mongolia’s National Parks –
We carry everything on pack horses – camp kitchen, equipment, and food. Relying on pack horses only allows us to get deep into the back country wilderness and the least visited areas of the parks. It also compels us to have top-notch, reliable and modern equipment. It makes for a much better wilderness experience to not meet a vehicle for lunch or upon arrival at camp. The only exception for vehicle support would be an emergency for which we have established procedures. Read more..
Ecological and Social Responsibility put into Practice – Ecotourism to benefit Nature and People
We put money, time and effort where our mouth is – into socially and ecologically responsible operations. We actively support, with funding, training and on-the-ground work ecological restoration, nature conservation, ecological education and community development in the Darkhid Valley from where we operate. All profits of the ger-home-stay go to the local herder family. On the trail, we adhere to high standard environmental practices – carrying out all garbage (ours and others’…), managing human waste responsibly, managing grazing of our horses, protecting water sources, respecting local community resources. Read more…
Ecotourism Adventures on Horseback in Mongolia – Our Commitments
Our commitment is to preparing and leading great adventure tours – of high quality and low impact – in the wilderness and cultural landscapes of Mongolia. Safe and comfortable equipment is a priority to make our expeditions a success. Our primary investments are in that, in our team, our horses, and in the local environment we operate in.
Horse Riding Tours for Small Groups – High Quality and Low Impact
Our horse riding tours are for small groups (maximum 6 guests), so we can ensure individual attention to our guests’ needs, a great wilderness travel experience and a low impact on the environment.
Book Your Trail Ride in Mongolia with Stone Horse Expeditions & Travel
Sabine Schmidt is a co-owner at Stone Horse Expeditions & Travel. She rides and guides with her husband Keith Swenson, who founded the outfit that specializes in high quality, low impact horseback eco-tours in Mongolia. Read more about Stone Horse team.
Sabine also builds “Stone Horse Saddles”- lightweight and robust Western style saddles appreciated by guests, the horses, and the Stone Horse team for their beauty and comfort.
For inquiries on riding tours with Stone Horse in Mongolia, contact [email protected]
For saddle inquiries, contact [email protected]. Thank You, and Happy Trails!